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Antique Seaside Oil Painting


Lovely landscape by the seaside depicting what appears to be the ruins of a medieval castle by the shore. Very versatile size, can be styled in various areas around your hope including but not limited to shelf styling.

Please note the discolouration and chipping of the paint on the frame. There is also some chipping to the oil paint towards the right of the painting.

No hanging hardware on the back.

Follow us @laylaslovelytreasures for more beautiful finds.

Approximately 10.75 x 7.5 inches

$15 usd flat rate shipping in the US & Canada. If you are shipping elsewhere please send us a message on Instagram @laylaslovelytreasures or open a Vintage Keepers support ticket.

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Product Information

Approximately 10.75 x 7.5 inches

$15 usd flat rate shipping in the US & Canada. If you are shipping elsewhere please send us a message on Instagram @laylaslovelytreasures or open a Vintage Keepers support ticket.

VK Return Policy

Customer has up to 30 days unless vendor opts out of return policy per item to return a product for any reason such as damaged item, size, or unhappiness with product upon arrival.  Read our full return policy.

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  • 5 out of 5


    Lovely Landscapes

    I purchased two small landscapes, and they exceeded my expectations! They were packaged very well, and looked even better in person. The handwritten note was such a nice touch as well! They look so beautiful with my other vintage landscapes! Can't wait to purchase more!

  • 5 out of 5


    Lovely Landscapes

    I purchased two small landscapes, and they exceeded my expectations! They were packaged very well, and looked even better in person. The handwritten note was such a nice touch as well! They look so beautiful with my other vintage landscapes! Can't wait to purchase more!

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